Bringing the Med to Southport

In Majorca we were staying at hotel not much more than 100 metres from a “Spar” – this one was quite extensive, the premises looked as if one shop had organically taken over its neighbours when they went of business. Anyway, this Spar sold seeds, now some were of the kind we could classify as sexually novelties – the flower of one was supposed to resemble a part of the female lower abdomen and another her breasts – with an invisible wonderbra on! Yet another one looked like a red penis. These were just the illustrations on the ‘packets’ mind, they didn’t have any real life examples. Now the curious amongst us might have been tempted, I was tempted but I just didn’t want to have to look any of the sales assistants in the eye when making my purchase, plus imagine if everything germinated…what would the neighbours think? The consolation was that they also had a couple of tree (bush) seeds up for sale so I bought some of these. Apologies for the truly terrible photography – I used my webcam to take the photos and well it ain’t up to the job let’s be honest.

I’m under no illusion that I will get 100% germination – although that would be good from the Cycad as there is only the one seed! In addition these plants are not going to thrive in the wild, winds of Kew where the soil dries out quicker than Oscar Wilde’s wit! If you don’t try then you won’t get anywhere is my motivation though so tonight I will begin the process of germination by placing them all in filtered water – this is not specified on the instructions but hey,I now have a Brita filter and most plants don’t grow naturally in Fluoridated water.

Any progress will of course be posted here, I may even use my phone instead of the (not as good as it was billed as) webcam.